Who we are


Since its earliest days, the ANAR Foundation has understood that in order to achieve its aims it must work in partnership with public authorities, companies, social organisations and individuals, complementing its actions and heightening its impact. Our alliance is based on trust. Together we can change the situation of children in Spain, and transform society.



To extend our support, we have cooperation agreements in place with 5 ministries, the Spanish autonomous regions and the cities of Ceuta and Melilla, as well as different local authority bodies.


Autonomous Communities

Municipalities and county councils

Private entities

We believe that protecting children is a responsibility of all social agents. We have for years now worked hand-in-hand with the business world, giving them a more direct path from their aspirations of corporate social responsibility to real action impacting on children. We guide them towards transformative approaches to help them channel resources and efforts to benefit children. And we aim to continue our role in raising awareness among companies.

If you are a company or a foundation and want to be part of this social transformation
We need you at ANAR
Those already cooperating with us:

