What we do

ANAR helplines

900 202 010
If you call us from all over Spain
116 111
You can also call us at this number if you are in the Communities of: Aragón, Asturias, Baleares, Canarias, Castilla-La Mancha, Castilla y León, Ceuta, Extremadura, La Rioja, Navarra, Madrid, Melilla, Murcia, Valencian Community.

The ANAR Child and Teenage Support Phoneline/Chat offers an immediate response to any problem affecting those aged under 18: problematic relationships, different forms of violence, psychological and other problems, etc. Any child or youngster can call our number, free of charge and in confidence, and will find a psychologist at the other end of the line who will listen to them for as long as they need, offer them counselling as to their problem, and help them find a solution.

The main goal of the ANAR phoneline

is to provide children and teenagers with a safe and confidential space where they feel they are listened to and respected, and where they are free to express anything that might occur to them in pursuit of options to resolve their problems together.

In 2020 we handled:


Phone calls and chats


Serious cases

Reasons for consultation of children and adolescents in 2020 (%)

Requests for assistance handled through all ANAR helplines distributed by Autonomous Communities

Galicia 2.621 Asturias 2.931 Navarra 4.198 Aragón 6.497 Cataluña 6.975 C Valenciana 13.263 Murcia 1.773 Andalucía 15.039 Extremadura 11.283 Islas Baleares 1.275 Islas Canarias 1.642 Castilla La Mancha 9.345 Castilla y León 34.040 C Madrid 30.413 Cantabria 6.552 La Rioja 4.452 País Vasco 12.275

“I’m calling you because I can’t talk to anyone about what my father does to me, because my mother tells me that these things should stay at home…”

Physical abuse, Oscar 12 years old
*All the testimonies presented are real testimonies received on the ANAR Telephone/Chat. Likewise, in compliance with the Personal Data Protection Law, they have been previously anonymized in order to preserve any data that could identify the caller, guaranteeing their anonymity and confidentiality.