What we do

ANAR study centre

The ANAR Foundation has access to a unique database made up of more than 5 and a half million calls received during the 27 years that the ANAR Phoneline has been in operation.

This represents the voice of the children, teenagers and their relatives who have trusted in the Foundation, and that the Foundation has provided with help.

The ANAR Study and Research Centre, made up of sociologists with extensive experience in social research, is thus a landmark institution in upholding and promoting young people’s rights. Their understanding of issues that cannot be addressed through surveys has proven an essential resource in all facets of this topic.

 Feedback
Reflect back to society what children, teenagers and their relatives tell the Foundation, by drawing up reports and studies.
 Raise awareness
Inform society about the serious problems faced by children.
 Impact
Involve public institutions, helping to change the law, to protect children and facilitate prevention and education policies.

Below you can consult our most recent reports. If you are interested in previous publications, please contact us at [email protected]


Here you can find the most recent Annual Report. If you are interested in previous editions, please send your request to [email protected]